


Yin and yang fear ignorance

There are two brothers, the older brother does not believe in gods and ghosts, while the younger brother is a superstitious enthusiast, following the almanac in all words and actions, and dare not violate it. After a long time of confinement, the younger brother felt quite bitter. Seeing his older brother having no taboos and living freely, he thought of imitating him. One day, the younger brother went out without choosing an auspicious day, and halfway through, he actually encountered the Black Evil God. The Black Evil God reproached the younger brother, saying that it was clearly written in the almanac "avoid going out", but you dared to knowingly violate it, so he had to give a slight punishment as a lesson. The younger brother felt wronged and said, "I violated the rules once and was given a red card; my older brother has violated the rules countless times and hasn't received a yellow card, it's so unfair!" The god said, "Your brother is ignorant; Yin and Yang are afraid of ignorance, so they have to avoid it. You, who fear and obey me, how can you disobey my orders?"

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